About Us
/ˈhärtn/ verb
to make more cheerful or confident.
Putting hope into action
Because homeless individuals are not visible on every street corner, we may be deceived into believing it is not a problem in our town. But there are hundreds of individuals who live in dangerous housing situations, sleep on other’s couches temporarily, or share housing with other families in crowded and stressed conditions. Experts estimate as many as 2,500 men, women and children living in DeKalb County are dangerously near or experiencing homelessness. Housing insecurity creates a host of problems and a cycle of poverty that is very difficult to break free from. Families are often torn apart, and the fabric of the community is weakened.
Since opening in 2018, Hearten House has provided a home for hurting women. Fall of 2021, Hearten House was blessed to move into a larger facility that accommodates up to 16 women.
In 2021, 88% of women who had a substance abuse disorder upon entrance remained in recovery throughout residency. 100% of women served were introduced to Jesus!
Our goal is to help women overcome destructive thought and behavior patterns by providing a Christ-centered home. The love and acceptance they receive at Hearten House empowers women, and gives them the courage to make vital life changes.
Hearten House is a Gold Level Transparency organization. Click here to view our Charity Check Report.
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