‘Shindig’ celebrates recovery & lives transformed

AUBURN – They came by fifteen-passenger vans. Loads after loads of people being shuttled from the DeKalb County Fairgrounds to Hearten House. Some even took a more scenic trip by horse-drawn wagon. However, they came, droves of people took to Hearten House’s property in Auburn to celebrate recovery at the nonprofit’s Summer Shindig event held Friday, Sept. 13th.

“We wanted to hold a fun, family-oriented event that celebrated recovery – for folks who have recovered and those that supported them,” said Hearten House Executive Director Marisa McKenzie. “We weren’t focused on fundraising. The goal was to offer the community free recovery event and celebrate the many lives changed.”

Hearten House is a faith-based nonprofit organization that supports women with a home located in Auburn, serving up to 16 women at a time.

Held on the backside of Hearten House’s property, the Summer Shindig hosted face painting, a bounce house, and other carnival games. Food was served along with popcorn and sno-cones while live music entertained guests.

One of the more impactful parts of the evening were the free-shirts given to those in recovery that displayed how many years, months or days that person marked as addiction-free. While children darted across the property with giggle and smiles, those who truly understood the numbers on their chest may have smiled the brightest.

“I can’t imagine what the number would be if we totaled everyone’s recovery time,” said McKenzie. “Here you don’t have to be ashamed to be a recovering addict. We celebrate the journey and the hard work it takes to remain in recovery.”

McKenzie knows firsthand what the recovery path looks like. With more than 12 years of recovery behind her, McKenzie’s drive for Hearten House’s mission is fueled by her personal experience.

“Everyone wants to know they matter and that they are loved,” she said. “No matter what the past may look like, we all need hope for the future. At Hearten House we believe, and we teach, that hope comes from God and His ability to redeem every life. Everyone’s recovery journey is personal, and it may come with many twists and turns. It’s our job to love people and walk alongside them.”

Hearten House is not only focused on helping women through addiction. Homelessness is also a need the nonprofit addresses. One of the organization’s annual events is One Night, slated to be held October 18th at The James Cultural Plaza. This all-night event creates awareness for homelessness in DeKalb County. Participants in the event stay outside over night to replicate what someone may face should they find themselves homeless. However, McKenzie says the homeless population in DeKalb County does not always look so stereotypical.

“When we think ‘homeless’ we think of people living under bridges,” said McKenzie. “What is more common in our area is to find people living in their cars or crashing on someone’s couch. Regardless of what got them to that place or what the circumstances look like, we know that stable housing is a foundational need. It’s our aim to help fulfill this need as best as we can.”

Donations are currently being accepted for One Night. Participants raise funds for their stay giving donors a chance to choose to sponsor a specific participant or donate to the overall cause. While at the plaza in downtown Auburn, One Night will host live worship bands and musicians from area churches as well as testimonies from Hearten House graduates, volunteers and staff members.

To donate to One Night, or to see pictures from Hearten House’s Summer Shindig, visit www.heartenhouse.org

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.


Fun Friday: Roller Skating


‘One Night’ to bring homelessness to downtown Auburn